We usually associate nervousness with adults. Kids have nothing to worry about—how often have you heard or said that? They must eat, play, and attend school. So, what about problems? Problems become apparent as you age.
Not true, unfortunately. If you recall your childhood or adulthood, you felt various feelings. Children often face more tough challenges than they can handle mentally or emotionally. They overhear adult conversations, are bullied at school, are abused, or confront other challenges their minds cannot handle. Children typically lack the words to absorb, explain, or understand their experiences, which manifests in their behaviour.
Children are referred to counselling or testing because of their behaviour, not their interior experiences. When their behaviour impacts others’ lives, counselling may be needed.
If your child exhibits these characteristics, consider therapy or testing. It could improve their lives!
- Tantrums
Tantrums are common among kids under four. They want to say more than they can mentally. Their vocabulary is too limited to localise their communication, which can lead to tantrums and meltdowns at home, the nail salon, the grocery store, the car wash, the parking lot, the oil change shop, etc. When kids don’t get their way, they may throw tantrums. It’s one way they utilise power to change things. You determine if it works for them. Call a psychologist if your child over four is still throwing tantrums.
- Crying or Freaking Out
It’s normal for everyone to cry. However, if your child cries about everything, it may be anxiety. They cry because they lack the coping skills to handle their emotions. No matter our age, not knowing how to handle our emotions can be daunting.
- Overeating or Under-Eating
Children sometimes mistake anxiety for hunger. Foods heavy in sugar, carbohydrates, and fats may drive individuals to overeat. Otherwise, anxiousness may cause unpleasant tummies in children, limiting their food intake.
- Difficulty Falling Asleep
Anxiety may cause youngsters to grow afraid of the dark, fight bedtime, or have disrupted sleep (tossing and turning, waking up often).
- Anger Outbursts
Anger frequently results from overwhelming tension, concern, or uneasiness in youngsters. More aggressive children may yell, scream, strike, kick, etc. These actions often have major family and school consequences.
It’s normal to feel anxious, worried, or tense. How parents manage and respond to children’s feelings affects them. Even though it’s hard to imagine ourselves in a child’s shoes, understanding their viewpoint on life events helps us understand why they feel the way they do and how to support them. No one should aim to eliminate anxiety since it’s unreasonable. People have always felt anxiety for various causes and always will. Recognition, identification, and good management are the ultimate goals. That reduces anxiety naturally.
Can a psychologist help with anxiety? Yes, they definitely can. Psychologists help children, adolescents, and families manage emotions, reduce negative emotions, communicate, and support and encourage. Call immediately to schedule your child’s or adolescent’s visit and consultation.